Listening Project - Haus Ohrbeck - Georgsmarienhütte 2014
How could we do the opening session for a conference in a different way than we are used to?
Renewing contacts
World poverty, what can anyone do about it, how do I feel about it, whose business is it?
Floods in Münster
To be visible to others on one side or on the other side
The essence of lemmings behavior (related to how we humans are treating our planet)
Trouble at kindergarten
Aware attention towards others
Getting older, not knowing how much time we've left. Is there anything that you really want to do before you die?
How extremely stupid and how extremely clever we as humans are
30 seconds silence
Dealing with differences
To enjoy the company of friends
Exploring what is behind a disagreement about expressing issues that matter
The scenery we could see from the inside of the caravan
Silence is golden
The power of emotions
The meaning of crying
What is a holiday?
The value of the 'blue hour' (regular shared conversation in the afternoon with a cup of coffee)
Gifts at the wayside
Cycling holidays
Dentists talk too much
Should we complain about the other one's way of driving?
Cultural differences
About the meaning of sadness in songs
The abolition of repetition of classes and the the associated loss of social competencies
About the colour red / about cars / about Ferraris
To be confronted with procedures and rules and how to undermine them in a playful way
How are we communicating ourselves? How are we listening to ourselves?
About potatoes
How can we spend more time together despite great geographic distances?
How can I live my creativity and how can my ideas become a reality?
The effect of a sudden reunion
The question of coincidence or destiny
What do we really need to live well? What do we have to do, to get there?
What makes a serious resumee possible after something went wrong?
How things originate in the world. The thin line between passion and obsession
Why do we always interrupt each other?
Housing project - how and when again do we live together?
Flowers bring summer and make people happy
Which song suites best for our next silc act? (Aerial acrobatics)
What really is love? Is it art? Love remains mysterious
Grammar as a living system which generates the connections between thoughts
About the desire for rules and boundaries
About the hairdresser
Feelings in a not day-to-day environment
A non-committal location - contacts in a pub
Is our life that we live the life we have imagined?
The music in the life plan
The colourfulness of partnerships
Church partnerships and money
The difference between homeland and roots
How do I cope with not going to work any more?
Are we brave enough to initiate meaningful discussions?
In a conversation related to listening and not only to talking you don't have to be that perfect
The similarity with the mother
Garden flowers
About fidelity in marriage
The beautiful things in life, which give pleasure and strength
Dialogue about the dialogue
Purpose in life and performance art
How to decide now?
Blows and inner strength
How can art contribute to civil peace and reconciliation?
Why do we grant authority to church dignitaries
Tschick - the silence - the labeling of language in in the leftist circles
Social commitment and the withdrawal into the private sphere
The experiences of physical closeness during sleep
Who is the right man for Charlotte?
taz.lab - infinformation booth - is the effort worth it?
How can people find each other again, despite … ?
Carefully listening
The pleasure of the refresching novelty
The manipulation by phtography
The privilege of attending the taz.lab without being affected by the problems
World hunger and NGO industry
Listening and belonging has a lot to do with courage
What is now?
Indian food
Donald Trump
What about the things I've always wantet to do but never started?
As a team of class teachers: What are we going to do? What is a good plan for the next academic year?
Why did we break up in a fight three years ago and what is now?