Susan Tilley
/ Born in 1947
/ Writer (poetry and prose)
/ Studies in the pedagogical approach of Caleb Gattegno, Centre de Linguistique Appliquee
de Besancon, France (1988-1989)
/ Practitioner - Bohmian Dialogue (Dialogue in the Spirit of the founder David Bohm) (1996-)
/ Co-Facilitator - with 'Prison Dialogue', in several max. security establishments (UK) (1997-2000)
/ Co-Facilitator within the network for reciprocal peer counselling 'Co-Counselling International' (2009-)
/ Member of the organising team London Permaculture Festival 2013
/ Trainee psychotherapist The Minster Centre, London 2013 -
/ Teacher of English as a Foreign Language to executives via Gattegno's 'The Silent Way', Paris (1989-1992)
/ Teacher of English/EFL at Brockwood Park, Hampshire - a J Krishnamurti-founded International school (1992-1995)
/ School teacher, working with teenagers having learning/behavioural needs (2003-2012)
/ Lives with her partner in Cambridge and London, UK.